
Affections was an interactive piece performed for the 2020 Noche de los Libros Desperate Literature event. Another version was performed at Unmute Party in 2021.

By logging onto the call, you’ve all been enrolled into this trial program. I’m requesting a small bit of participation, but hardcore emotional involvment. Like I said, whoever is comfortable keep your camera on. So all, please switch your main Zoom window to gallery view. You can do this at the top right. You should now see everyone’s little faces as a grid. Good. Now all, for civility’s sake, give us a little smile and a wave. Don’t overdo it though. Don’t be desperate. Everything is normal here. You might get a kick out of rediscovering stranger’s chins and teeth, but be mindful that you are on display as well. Think of the range of expression your face can display and try to hit the 5 to 7 mark. This is just a reading night. You’re not on Tinder live or whatever.

Let’s begin.”



Hot Or Rot? (2021)


She Resonates (2017-2018)